
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM

The Encorepreneur Cafe
1548 NE 15th Ave. Portland

October’s conversation was a great success. Let’s keep this momentum going in November!

The proposed topic for this session is how we approach the topics of death, dying, and health with our friends, family, and loved ones. Have you gone through a serious health event and had to figure out how to tell family and friends? Or been on the receiving end of that conversation? Wondering how to talk about end-of-life care with those who will survive you, or how to talk to your parents about it? These are issues that we all have in our lives, let’s discuss together our different approaches and experiences.

Of course, this is just a suggested topic. If participants choose, we can select a different topic for conversation.

About the program
Our new program, Coffee and Conversation is a place to meet and discuss important topics with other community members. This is a hosted conversation where mutual respect, dialogue, and sharing our experiences help bring us to a greater understanding of what is going on in the world. There will be free coffee, tea, and refreshments.

Part of the worldwide Conversation Cafe movement that is stewarded by the National Coalition for Dialogue and Deliberation, we hope to develop our dialoging skills and create connections through conversations that matter.

There is no need to do any homework before coming to the conversation, just bring your questions, experiences, and an open mind. Our host will lead the discussion and walk you through the process.

This is a free event with a suggested optional donation of $5 to help us cover the cost of running the space and providing printed materials, coffee, and tea. No one will be turned away for lack of funds.

2:00pm guests arrive, get cookies and coffee or tea, and chat informally
2:10pm Personal introductions
2:20pm Purpose of group and dialogue techniques
2:25pm Question is posed to the group for guided discussion emphasizing gracious dialogue. Everyone has the chance to contribute, but can choose to be skipped if they don’t want to participate. We go two times around the table for each person to give their thoughts. Then, there is free open discussion to respond to each other. Last, we will go around again for everyone to give closing thoughts.

Coffee and Conversation

Tuesday, Nov 12, 2019, 2:00 PM

The Encorepreneur Cafe
1548 NE 15th Ave Portland, OR

6 Members Went

October’s conversation was a great success. Let’s keep this momentum going in November! The proposed topic for this session is how we approach the topics of death, dying, and health with our friends, family, and loved ones. Have you gone through a serious health event and had to figure out how to tell family and friends? Or been on the receiving en…

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