Japanese Comedy Night Series: RAHMENS
RAHMENS (ラーメンズ) is known as the most “artistic” comedy duo in Japan. Katagiri (left) and Kobayashi graduated from Printmaking Course of Tama Art University and decided to form a comedy duo. They thought they could sell their artwork well after they became well-known as comedians.
Their performance is often called as the middle of comedy and theater. Kobayashi describes their style as “ordinary in extraordinary” in contrast to “extraordinary in ordinary” that many other comedians perform.
Let’s enjoy Rahmens’ artistic comedies with English subtitles.
#1: 無用途人間 – No-Use Man
A Message Man comes to see a No-Use Man to tell him his “purpose,” but…
#2: 上下関係 – Hierarchy
A higher-rank man competes with a lower-rank man insisting he is better than him in everything, but…
#3: 器用で不器用な男と不器用で器用な男の話 – A social but poor man and an awkward but rich man
A social but poor artist visits an awkward but rich engineer. They are best friends, but…
We will have a discussion time in English and Japanese–all levels welcome. Grab a beer or your favorite drink, laugh, and enjoy the conversation!
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Suggested donation: $5-$10
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