Japanese Comedy Night Series: Rakugo (落語)
Rakugo (落語) is the traditional verbal entertainment with 400 years of history. It’s not a “stand-up comedy”. We can say it’s a “sit-down comedy”. The lone storyteller (落語家, rakugoka) sits on a raised platform, a kōza (高座). Using only a paper fan (扇子, sensu) and a small cloth (手拭, tenugui) as props, and without standing up from the seiza (正座) sitting position, the rakugo artist depicts a long and complicated comical (or sometimes sentimental) story. The story always involves the dialogue of two or more characters. The difference between the characters is depicted only through change in pitch, tone, and a slight turn of the head.
Same as the other traditional performing arts like kabuki, the rakugo world has a traditional apprenticeship system. A pupil (弟子, deshi) must practice his skill under his master (師匠, shishou).
There are two kinds of rakugo: Classical Rakugo (古典落語, Koten-Rakugo) and New Rakugo (新作落語, Shinsaku-Rakugo). Koten-Rakugos were those made between Edo and Meiji Period (roughly between 17th and 19th century) while Shinsaku-Rakugo were made after Taisho Period (roughly after 20th century). Even if rakugo artists talk the same story, they make their own arrangements; thus, the same story sounds different by performers.
We picked two famous rakugo stories: one from Classical Rakugo, and the other from New Rakugo. Let’s enjoy rakugo with English subtitles. You can enjoy not only the stories, but also the traditional Japanese art of storytelling. Please pay attention to the slight changes of their pitch, tone and gesture.
Classical Rakugo: Soba-Sei (そば清)
Performed by Shunputei Shota (春風亭昇太)
A man found a guy who ate 10 servings of soba noodle every night. He was trying to make a bet if the guy could eat 20 servings of soba noodle.
New Rakugo: Zoo (動物園)
Performed by Katsura Shijaku (桂枝雀)
A man was a job-hopper. He was not good at either physical or brain work. He also knew he was lazy. He found a good position at a zoo, but…
We will have a discussion time in English and Japanese–all levels welcome. Grab a beer or your favorite drink, laugh, and enjoy the conversation!
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Suggested donation: $5-$10
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