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The Encorepreneur Cafe https://encorepreneurcafe.com/ Mon, 19 Aug 2024 05:56:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://encorepreneurcafe.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/cropped-epcfavicon-32x32.png The Encorepreneur Cafe https://encorepreneurcafe.com/ 32 32 177990601 Please come by the Encorepreneur Cafe to see stunning watercolor paintings by Diane Marconi https://encorepreneurcafe.com/paintings-by-diane-marconi?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=paintings-by-diane-marconi Mon, 19 Aug 2024 05:55:48 +0000 https://encorepreneurcafe.com/?p=15712 Please come by the Encorepreneur Cafe to see stunning watercolor paintings by Diane Marconi.  Diane is a licensed watercolor artist creating one-of-a-kind pieces inspired by landscapes and seascapes.  As a talented artist of many years, who graduated from the International Academy of Watercolor Arts, Diane’s pieces show her talent with the watercolor medium.  We are…

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Please come by the Encorepreneur Cafe to see stunning watercolor paintings by Diane Marconi.  Diane is a licensed watercolor artist creating one-of-a-kind pieces inspired by landscapes and seascapes.  As a talented artist of many years, who graduated from the International Academy of Watercolor Arts, Diane’s pieces show her talent with the watercolor medium.  We are so lucky to have her wonderful paintings displayed at the cafe!

About the Artist

Diane Marconi

Diane Marconi is an Oregon-based watercolor artist.  Ms. Marconi has created original works for the U.S. Asian Business Council, a fundraiser for Congressman Jack Metcalf and the National Football League.

Ms. Marconi began acrylic painting in high school and throughout college, then transitioned over to the delicate craft of watercolors.  Ms. Marconi has studied under talented artists such as Charles Mulvey, Bill Woltjes and George Hamilton.  She attended Oregon State University and Portland State University and acquired her artistic license from the International Academy of Watercolor Arts.

Ms. Marconi’s works have been placed in a variety of galleries including Haystack Gallery in Cannon Beach, Fine Art Gallery in Seaside, Soleil Riviere in Bend, and Sargent’s Gallery in Lahaina, Maui.  She has multiple memberships including Lake Area Artists, Cannon Beach Arts Association and additional galleries.

Ms. Marconi’s nature-based collection of landscapes and seascapes are inspired by memories of childhood and family, highlighting a sweet wistfulness of bright summers spent at the beach and fishing trips with her father.  These nature spaces deeply impact Ms. Marconi’s style while intertwining with the fluid medium of watercolors.  All of her works depict places she has visited and capture timeless expressions of a unique moments.

The collection displayed here at Encorepreneur Cafe includes eight different paintings:  Mt Hood Majesty,  Beachside Glory,  1920’s Seashore Excursion,  Fall Reflections in the Sun,  Solemn Barnyard Reflection,  After the Snow Fall,  London Limousine, and Garden Delight.

If you are interested in purchasing any of the paintings on display, please contact the staff or send your inquiry at info@encorepreneurcafe.com

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Lloyd Prepares Challenge https://encorepreneurcafe.com/lloyd-prepares-challenge?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=lloyd-prepares-challenge Sat, 26 Nov 2022 01:37:45 +0000 https://encorepreneurcafe.com/?p=15669 From November 28th to December 23rd, Lloyd EcoDistrict is challenging you to get more prepared for earthquakes and other emergencies. The more tasks you complete to get prepared (including attending one of our free workshops), the more prizes you’ll have the chance to earn – ranging from gift cards to Lloyd area businesses to fully…

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From November 28th to December 23rd, Lloyd EcoDistrict is challenging you to get more prepared for earthquakes and other emergencies. The more tasks you complete to get prepared (including attending one of our free workshops), the more prizes you’ll have the chance to earn – ranging from gift cards to Lloyd area businesses to fully stocked emergency evacuation go-bags and first aid kits.

Visit www.ecolloyd.org/lloydprepareschallenge to enroll in the challenge, start working on tasks, and RSVP for the workshops. The Lloyd Prepares Challenge is open to anyone, regardless of where you live or work. Contact them at LloydPrepares@ecolloyd.org with questions or event accommodation requests.

The Lloyd Prepares Challenge is made possible thanks to support from the Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods and the City of Portland’s Office of Community and Civic Life, AARP, and the Pacific Power Foundation

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Party Platters from Koji Osakaya https://encorepreneurcafe.com/party-platters-from-koji?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=party-platters-from-koji Thu, 29 Sep 2022 02:10:52 +0000 https://encorepreneurcafe.com/?p=15656 Add more variety to your party table with Party Platters from our next door neighbor, Koji Osakaya Restaurant.Small Platter from $35; large platter from $100.Please contact Koji for the details with your preference and budget.www.koji.com (503) 280-0992

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Add more variety to your party table with Party Platters from our next door neighbor, Koji Osakaya Restaurant.
Small Platter from $35; large platter from $100.
Please contact Koji for the details with your preference and budget.
www.koji.com (503) 280-0992

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Masamichi Nitani’s New Carvings https://encorepreneurcafe.com/masamichi-nitanis-new-carvings?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=masamichi-nitanis-new-carvings Fri, 25 Mar 2022 04:02:09 +0000 https://encorepreneurcafe.com/?p=15601 We've got new art to check out at the Cafe, thanks to Woodcarver Masamichi Nitani! Masa is a Japanese Ainu-style carver who apprenticed as a teenager in Sapporo and became a Portlander in 1983.

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We’ve got new art to check out at the Cafe, thanks to Woodcarver Masamichi Nitani! Masa is a Japanese Ainu-style carver who apprenticed as a teenager in Sapporo and became a Portlander in 1983. Now as a master with 50 years of experience he carves a variety of designs.
We’re so lucky we get to look at them every day! Inquire for pricing, or just come by to Masa’s new carvings.

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Mask Optional https://encorepreneurcafe.com/mask-optional?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=mask-optional Tue, 22 Mar 2022 05:17:08 +0000 https://encorepreneurcafe.com/?p=15574 Our place is now “Mask Optional” for the vaccinated guests. We welcome everyone to this new phase of COVID environment. We request to wear mask if you are not vaccinated. Still, the Oregon Health Authority strongly recommends the mask use in certain situations. Please refer to Oregon Health Authority publication OHA2288K_R03082022

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Our place is now “Mask Optional” for the vaccinated guests. We welcome everyone to this new phase of COVID environment. We request to wear mask if you are not vaccinated. Still, the Oregon Health Authority strongly recommends the mask use in certain situations. Please refer to Oregon Health Authority publication OHA2288K_R03082022

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Oregon to lift mask requirement on March 19 https://encorepreneurcafe.com/oregon-to-lift-mask-requirement-on-march-19?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=oregon-to-lift-mask-requirement-on-march-19 Sun, 27 Feb 2022 00:33:06 +0000 https://encorepreneurcafe.com/?p=15557 February 24 – Oregon will lift mask requirements for indoor public places and Oregon’s schools on March 19, Oregon Health Authority (OHA) announced today, as hospitalizations drop and are projected to reach levels below those at the start of the Omicron surge. Earlier this month, OHA announced that the general indoor mask requirement would be…

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February 24 – Oregon will lift mask requirements for indoor public places and Oregon’s schools on March 19, Oregon Health Authority (OHA) announced today, as hospitalizations drop and are projected to reach levels below those at the start of the Omicron surge.

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Earlier this month, OHA announced that the general indoor mask requirement would be lifted by March 31, with the option of lifting it sooner if conditions improved enough.

Originally, OHA announced that the K-12 indoor mask rule would lift on March 31. Feedback from school districts around the state indicated that preparations for the transition could be completed earlier.

By that date, it was expected, 400 or fewer people per day in Oregon would be hospitalized with the virus, a level the state experienced prior to the arrival of the Omicron variant. A recent modeling report by Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) predicted the state would reach that total around March 20.

— Read more on: https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/ORDHS/bulletins/30c223b

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Events and Programs are Back! https://encorepreneurcafe.com/events-and-programs-are-back?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=events-and-programs-are-back Fri, 13 Aug 2021 20:45:00 +0000 https://encorepreneurcafe.com/?p=15452 Things have changed A LOT in the last few months. Now that most government restrictions have lifted, it can be tough to make decisions about what is and isn’t safe to do or what each of us is comfortable with. At Encorepreneur, we have updated our policies in the hopes of keeping our guests safe…

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Things have changed A LOT in the last few months. Now that most government restrictions have lifted, it can be tough to make decisions about what is and isn’t safe to do or what each of us is comfortable with. At Encorepreneur, we have updated our policies in the hopes of keeping our guests safe while also working to accommodate a variety of options for events, meetings, and classes.

First, if you’d like to rent our space and you have specific requirements or preferences around COVID protocols for your group, we are happy to accommodate that.  Just let us know and we’ll work together to make it happen.

Due to recent rules put in place by Multnomah County and the State of Oregon, masks are required inside our space. Exceptions are while eating/drinking or while being filmed or photographed. There are currently no other distancing or capacity requirements–our maximum capacity is 50 people–but if you’d like help distancing your guests from each other, we can help you plan for that.

Contact us here for event space or conference room booking requests, and check our site for event space and conference room rates.

For our own in-person Encorepreneur programs, we are currently requiring that people be vaccinated and show their vaccination cards the first time they attend (as well as wear a mask). We also continue to have some programming online. You can see our events calendar here.

We are in the office more often now, but the schedule often changes to accommodate event space rentals. It’s a good idea to give us a call or make an appointment before coming by to make sure someone will be there: 503-954-2837.

We realize that things are currently in flux and may change again soon, for better or worse, and we will keep you updated if they do.

Thank you for sticking with us through the last 18 months. We hope to see you soon!

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Our capacity has increased! https://encorepreneurcafe.com/encorepreneur-cafe-is-open?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=encorepreneur-cafe-is-open Fri, 04 Jun 2021 02:31:49 +0000 https://encorepreneurcafe.com/?p=15424 Update on Following the current COVID-19 Guidelines Now that Multnomah County has moved to the “Lower Risk” category for Oregon COVID guidelines. That means that we can host more people in our space and be a little bit more flexible on some rules in some cases. Currently, we can host up to 22 people in…

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Update on Following the current COVID-19 Guidelines

Now that Multnomah County has moved to the “Lower Risk” category for Oregon COVID guidelines. That means that we can host more people in our space and be a little bit more flexible on some rules in some cases. Currently, we can host up to 22 people in our space!

In general, the move from “high” to “lower” risk categories means:

  • Most indoor establishments can have 50% capacity
  • Up to 8 people can sit together in groups or “pods”
  • More able to work in-person in offices

Although we are in the office more often now, we are still open by appointment only for meetings, photo/video shoots, and events. Contact us here for scheduling and check our site for event space and conference room rates.

After taking the Multnomah County Health Department into consideration, we have chosen to require masks in our space for any event where there are people present who are not fully vaccinated. The default rule for our space is that everyone needs to wear a mask. However, if you are interested in using our space for a fully-vaccinated, mask-less event, please contact us to discuss the option.

For the present time, our own programs continue to be virtual and you can find out more about them here. For those wanting to put on their own online events and programs, we provide access to quality web cams, microphones, lighting, and other equipment, as well as online event management services. Contact us directly for a custom quote.

This definitely feels like a massive turning point in the pandemic. We can’t wait to see you all soon!

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Anti-Asian Bias Incidents: Info and Resources https://encorepreneurcafe.com/anti-asian-bias-incidents-info-and-resources?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=anti-asian-bias-incidents-info-and-resources Wed, 03 Mar 2021 01:22:34 +0000 https://encorepreneurcafe.com/?p=15348 We’ve heard people express concerns about recent Anti-Asian attacks and vandalism to Asian/Asian-American Businesses in Portland. We want to make sure people are aware of the issue, but also provide some links and resources. First, in case you aren’t aware of the situation, here is an article from the Oregonian. APANO (Asian Pacific American Network…

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We’ve heard people express concerns about recent Anti-Asian attacks and vandalism to Asian/Asian-American Businesses in Portland. We want to make sure people are aware of the issue, but also provide some links and resources. First, in case you aren’t aware of the situation, here is an article from the Oregonian. APANO (Asian Pacific American Network of Oregon) is reporting that the Oregon Department of Justice bias hotline has received 68 claims from Asian Americans since January 2020.


This story from OPB has info about how this has personally affected community members as well the history of anti-Asian racism here and resources for community resilience. Please take a listen (the text doesn’t go into all the details that the audio does).



We encourage our community to stay informed on this issue and to utilize these resources. APANO (Asian American Network of Oregon) has done tons of work on this issue in the past and currently, so please follow them for info.

APANO and Portland United Against Hate Resilience to Hate Guide: https://www.apano.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/PUAH-Resilience-to-Hate-Resource-Guide-3_23_20.docx.pdf

How to report hate/bias incidents: https://www.reporthatepdx.com/

Sign up for bystander intervention and de-escalation workshops through Hollaback! and Asian Americans Advancing Justice: https://www.advancingjustice-aajc.org/events

Support the businesses that were affected by vandalism in and around the Jade District:

Fujiyama: https://www.fujiyamapdx.com/

Toast La Tea: http://www.toastlatea.com/

Hanoi Kitchen: https://www.hanoikitchenpdx.com/

Utopia Restaurant and Lounge: https://utopiarestaurantlounge.com/

Thanhs Billiards

Buddy’s Lounge: https://buddys-lounge.business.site/

My Brother’s Crawfish: https://www.mybrotherscrawfish.net/

Vinny’s Barbershop: http://vinny-hair-salon.edan.io/

Highlight Auto Body

Saint & Sinners Tattoo: http://www.saintandsinners.com/

Nail Tek

Khoe Va Dep

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Yes we are open! https://encorepreneurcafe.com/yes-we-are-open?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=yes-we-are-open Tue, 02 Mar 2021 02:47:35 +0000 https://encorepreneurcafe.com/?p=15344 Update on Following the current COVID-19 Guidelines As many of you already are aware, on February 12, 2021, Multnomah County’s COVID risk will be downgraded from “Extreme” to the “High” risk category. That’s still not great, but it does feel like good news and a small ray of hope. What does this mean in terms…

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Update on Following the current COVID-19 Guidelines

As many of you already are aware, on February 12, 2021, Multnomah County’s COVID risk will be downgraded from “Extreme” to the “High” risk category. That’s still not great, but it does feel like good news and a small ray of hope.

What does this mean in terms of what we all can and can’t do? The move from “extreme” to “high” risk categories means:

  • Indoor recreation and entertainment is allowed at limited capacity
  • In-person meetings and work is allowed if necessary
  • Indoor dining is allowed at limited capacity

As through most of the pandemic, we are currently open by appointment for meetings and photo/video shoots, and now we can also host limited-sized social gatherings. If you need to meet with a client or small group in person, we would love to host you in our private, controlled environment. Contact us here for scheduling and check our site for event space and conference room rates.

We continue to work with clients on a case-by-case basis depending on the details of your needs and do our best to accommodate requests as safely as possible.

We also anticipate that most people in most circumstances will continue to meet and attend events online for the foreseeable future. Our own programs continue to be virtual and you can find out more about them here. For those wanting to put on their own online events and programs, we provide access to quality web cams, microphones, lighting, and other equipment, as well as online event management services. Contact us directly for a custom quote.

Please stay safe as we (hopefully) are seeing the beginning of the end of this pandemic. We truly miss all of our clients and wonderful community and hope to see you again soon.

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